Two months to launch!
In my research for our book marketing plan for Get Your Book Seen and Sold: The Essential Book Marketing Guide (the book is now available for pre-sale!) I came across a gem of a video from David Gaughran on the subject of book promotion - specifically, are ads worth it?
This is one of the most refreshing videos I have seen on the subject. This free 10 minute video will save you oodles of time and torture as you decide to purchase Amazon Ads, Facebook Ads, or Book Bub Ads as well as the wisdom of Deal Sites. Gaughran offers his opinion obviously, on what works and what doesn’t work. With all the book promotion choices out there, is nice to have someone come out and say what works!
There’s more…
Gaughran offers his opinion on other book promotion strategies as well and includes some of his favorite resources.
Two books on Amazon Ads are mentioned:
Amazon Ads Unleashed by Robert Ryan
Amazon Ads for Authors by Deb Potter
If you are looking for a company that offers the service of promoting your eBook on line for a fee including Amazon Ads and Facebook Ad consider Written Word Media. I’m a customer and I have been pleased with the book sale results. (I’m an affiliate, too!)
Gaughran is a huge fan of email marketing, as well, and includes his favorite email marketing resource - Newsletter Ninja - which he swears by to increase your email list.
Btw, for those following our book launch plan for Get Your Book Seen and Sold, it is two months to launch and the book is available for pre-sale on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online retail outlets. Thanks to all the Pre-Pub Blurbers, we were able to include lots of fabulous endorsements for the book Pre-Publication! Thank you, blurbers. Update: Get Your Book Seen and Sold hit #1 New Releases Bestseller in the Writing & Publishing Category on Amazon when it released in Sept 2023! This stuff works!
Thanks for reading…more on pre-pub book reviews for YOUR book marketing plan next week…