Oh, the sleepover. I rarely attended or hosted large ones. Usually, it was just 2 or 3 of us. But I definitely remember fights. And junk food. And prank calls using the actual phone book to find randoms with weird sounding names we could make fun of. The sleepovers got bigger and more outrageous the older I got. Don't even get me started on the co-ed sleepovers we used to have after closing night of the high school musical. DRAMA CENTRAL!!!!
LOL.. you are revealing my age, Meg. "co-ed sleepovers?" I don't know that of which you speak. I DO love the idea of a "Co-Ed sleepover drama after the high school musical" post, though! And your thoughts on the personal essay as an enhancement to the expert and/or fiction writer?
Thank you for mentioning my post, Claudine!
Oh, the sleepover. I rarely attended or hosted large ones. Usually, it was just 2 or 3 of us. But I definitely remember fights. And junk food. And prank calls using the actual phone book to find randoms with weird sounding names we could make fun of. The sleepovers got bigger and more outrageous the older I got. Don't even get me started on the co-ed sleepovers we used to have after closing night of the high school musical. DRAMA CENTRAL!!!!
LOL.. you are revealing my age, Meg. "co-ed sleepovers?" I don't know that of which you speak. I DO love the idea of a "Co-Ed sleepover drama after the high school musical" post, though! And your thoughts on the personal essay as an enhancement to the expert and/or fiction writer?
Yes, you are right, it was freedom. A way to interact with friends and be away from home for a bit… develop your personality a bit…
This was so fun. I loved sleeping over my best friends' houses in high school -- the ultimate freedom!