What Is a Serial Podcast w/ Author, Kelly Simmons
The topic of this podcast interview is: Serial Podcast. Recording a serial podcast may be add to your author platform or could be a new career idea for you. Kelly Simmons, successful author of seven novels, just released brand new material as a serial fiction podcast titled, “Open the Window” and it is fabulous, I listened to it and would describe it as a suspense thriller. Kelly wrote it and recorded it.
This audio interview is part one of a two part interview with Kelly where we focus on Kelly’s new serial podcast, Open the Window: the mechanics of creating it and Kelly’s experience as a narrator. in Part Two we ask Kelly about her publishing journey and she shares how to find an agent.
An Author Platform For You… A New Platform For Your Writing
Perhaps creating a serial podcast to get your work out there and to enhance your resume as a writer, is a good choice for you. If you enjoy or have considered voice work or narrator work, listening to Kelly’s interview will give you a good idea of how it works. Remember, the serial podcast is NOT an audio book - it is not a narration of an existing book. It is the telling of novel that is ONLY found in podcast format. It is a pretty exciting idea and may be perfect for you.
You can find Kelly and read about her books and her new serial podcast, titled Open The Window at KellySimmonsBooks.com. You can also reach out at her K E L L Y 🖌 S I M M O N S (@kellyasimmons) • Instagram photos and videos.
Voice Actor Lessons
On the subject of becoming a voice actor… if you feel you would like to try it, I have a promo code offer from Voice Coaches: Use the promo code "WOLK" to get half off their introductory workshop to determine if voice acting is the career for you. Voicecoaches.com. I took the introductory workshop and the full voice coaches course. I learned so much and loved the course.
Have you listened to any serial podcasts lately? Please share the name and link. Any questions on the voice acting class?
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