When You Are Ready To Write Your Book, Listen To This Interview
Specific information Aspiring Authors Need To Know to Publish Their Book: podcast host, Karli Newman Interviews Claudine
Writers: When You Are Ready To Write Your Book have a listen to this podcast episode. Karli Newman, host of the Flipside of Midlife, Interviews Moi.
The topics covered in this brief interview are the important things to know when a writer decides to write their book and thinks seriously about publishing it. Karli Newman is a truly interested host and asks many questions that an aspiring author would ask.
If you would like to read the transcript, try this link.
Deciding to write a book is a big deal. It’s not just “writing a book,” it’s getting your message out there.
Karli has added you tube videos to her platform. She recorded a bonus episode with me for the members of her ‘Elevate’ program where I offer my number one must-do for successful book promotion that will save you thousands of dollars in the special bonus episode for her subscribers. If you are interested in joining Karli’s “elevate” program or would like to learn more about it, visit her website FlipsideofMidlife.com.
As always, thanks for reading/listening. Consider a paid subscription to my substack where ALL content will be available to you and at the $75/ a year level you get a 30 minute consult with me (plus the subscription) to ask any publishing and/or book marketing questions. We will come up with a plan for YOUR book. Subscribe at the button.
What do you know about Booksirens? They have just set up my book as one of the features for the month of April, where you can get a free digital copy. I have been working with Booklaunchers, they did all the admin work, but it seems to be paying off? Any insight would be helpful about Booksirens if you have any. Also here is the link if people want to get a digital copy for review.
(Don't trust link? Look me up at Booksirens.com)