Two Fantastic Book Marketing Resources plus Tips for Authors to Get Their Books Seen and Sold
Lessons from the Unlocked Creative Podcast with Siobhan Jones - interview w/ Dave Chesson (Kindlepreneur)
Book Marketing Resources | Amazon KDP | Self-Publishing Success Story
As a new or aspiring author, there are many resources out there, businesses that hope to make money from your desire to be an author. Many resources are fantastic and worth the money. Many are not worth the money. It is up to you to do your research and select where you want to place your hard-earned money. As I promised when I started this Substack, I will share what I find to be worthwhile.
I was listening to this great podcast episode and I got a two for one. Yay! I love those.
The Unlocked Creative episode: August 4th, Episode 136, “The Secret to Marketing Your Book & Becoming a Best-Selling Self-Published Author with Dave Chesson"
The Siobhan Jones Podcast - The Unlocked Creative is great and I am a big fan of Dave Chesson who is the owner/creator of Kindleprenuer and sells Publisher Rocket.
The Unlocked Creative Podcast by Siobhan Jones
There are many podcasts out there that cover book publishing and book marketing. Siobhan’s is one of my favorites because the episodes are usually at the 20 minute mark. Ms Jones is very generous will her knowledge and includes podcasts that are on point. In this episode, she lands Dave Chesson as a guest. Whoa. Great get.
Dave Chesson, Owner Creator of website and Publisher Rocket Software for Authors and Publishers
Dave Chesson has a great story about his personal self-publishing experience and how he created a business by helping other authors. Mr. Chesson specifically talks about his experience with Amazon’s KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), an option many self-published authors choose, so Mr Chesson’s experience is helpful. He has many fantastic articles about self-publishing and marketing on his site. One article that I have linked to in my substack about book distribution options and the difference between retailers and aggregators is one of my favorites. In my opinion, he selflessly offers fantastic information without a “hard sell.” Love that.
Publisher Rocket Resource - What, Why and How?
The software that he sells is called “publisher rocket.” Mr Chesson calls it a tool for authors and publishers. I will be doing a deep dive on the software soon. It is a software application that you add to your laptop and access. The tutorials associated with the software are kinda fun and easy to understand. It helps authors to determine a few things about their book: specifically, it helps the author to identify keywords, categories, and competition in relation to their book.
Why would that information be valuable to an author?
First, if you decide to sell your book on Amazon, you have to select the categories you want to be assigned to your book. (the research will also be helpful for other retailers / distributors that you chose)
Publisher Rocket helps you to research categories, keywords and competition so that you can make the best decisions for your book category and keywords.
If an author knows the keywords used to search for the books that are like his book, he can then select the same keywords to place an ad on Amazon that will be seen by his potential buyers.
If an author can look at categories, see the books selling in those categories, and also see the sales rank of those books in those categories he can then pick the categories that give him the best chance of his book being ranked #1. A #1 ranking means his book will be seen by potential buyers and hopefully purchased.
If an author can see books that are his potential competition, he can then look at the categories that his competition has selected and make decisions about where he wants his book placed. He will also learn about the market surrounded his book subject and the other authors he is competing against.
Mr Chesson’s ‘Publisher Rocket” software interfaces with the Amazon database as it is realtime - the current keywords, categories and competition that an author will select. Both self-published authors and publishers use it as a resource. Quite an impressive resource. It is reasonably priced as well.
Note: Do your own research on this resource!
Dave Chesson Offers Other Valuable Nuggets for Authors in the The Unlocked Creative Podcast by Siobhan Jones
** Be intentional with your valuable time, authors!
** You simply can not neglect the marketing of your book…Listen to what he says about the time start to market your book!
** Focus on a couple of social media channels, get good at them
** Ideas for securing book reviews
I’ll be reporting on my use of Publisher Rocket in coming posts for my upcoming book, Get Your Book Seen and Sold! We can learn together.
If you have used Publisher Rocket and have tips or a review to add, please do so in the comments.
My new Thursday post will include what I am reading this week on Book Marketing AND Potpourri! After this week, Thursday posts and some select posts will be subscriber-only. A gal has got to make a living you know. This research takes time!
Why Subscribe to Get Your Book Seen and Sold Substack?
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At the highest subscription level ($100/yr), you will also get a 30-minute consult with me.
When you are ready to make some decisions about YOUR book subscribe today and let’s come up with a plan.