Tidbits & Tidings: Writing Motivation and Commiseration - Issue #3
Writing Truths, An Agent to Pitch, An Author Platform Idea and The Staircase
Tidbits & Tidings Weekly: Issue #3
Tidbits & Tidings is a weekly summary that gives you a sneak peek into what I am researching in book marketing and what I am up to outside the book marketing world.
You will get the first glimpse of potentially explosive book marketing ideas before I write about them formally, plus a peek inside my crazy brain – where my mind leads me on books, ideas, and some personal stuff cause hey…
You never know where the big ideas could come from
~ Tess from the movie, Working Girl
Book Marketing Tidbits & Tidings
This Issue of Tidbits and Tidings is dedicated to the writing part of book marketing.
Book marketing, as I love to say to clients, begins when you start to write your manuscript.
The fact remains, however, that in order to market your book, you must honor and recognize your writing as a discipline. Writing is a job. It demands time and respect. It takes practice and patience. Here are a few tidbits related to you as writer - and how you can use the your writing to begin to market your book.
You are not alone in your frustration or your joy. Keep going.
Article: Marie Lamba – How Writers Ruin Relationships
I mentioned Agent/Author Marie Lamba in a previous post. During her presentation on Query and Pitch to Agents she mentioned that she had blogged for years with helpful tips for authors and suggested for all attendees to have a look. I did have a look and I am thoroughly enjoying Marie’s advice and musings. In the article mentioned above she describes the feeling of being in her own world when she is deep into her writing and the effect that has on family and friends. It may be a fun and fascinating time for you as a writer but for the others in your life, not so much!
Marie writes: “.. when I’m in the middle of plotting a scene, I have no idea that several hours have passed and my daughter is waiting impatiently in front of her school for me to pick her up. I don’t feel hunger, unlike my husband, who will tiptoe into my writing studio around 8:30 p.m. and say, “Are we ever going to eat?” When I’m really into the thick of writing, I don’t notice that someone is out of clean underwear, or that I’ve missed a meeting. And I won’t even go into what my poor dog has to endure.”
Have a look at the complete post and other posts at her website.
Literary Agent Query Opportunity: Marie is a literary agent with Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency as well as an author. She accepts queries. Remember to thoroughly read her query instructions BEFORE you pitch and pitch to her requirements.
Article: Author Platform Idea: Your Writing On Other Platforms, like Substack, Can Help Build Your Author Platform
Casey Newton, What I Learned in My Second Year on Substack
Casey Newton is the author of a Substack newletter titled Platformer. “Platformer is your daily guide to understanding social networks and their relationships with the world.” The newsletter is wildly successful and in this article at NeimanLab.com, Casey explains his success. In part, he praises Substack as a platform for writers saying (of Substack):
“…the appeal of this newsletter’s design: one big idea a day, delivered straight to your inbox at a reliable time, without any ads, affiliate links, pop-ups, SEO bait, or any of the other now-familiar features of our digital landscape. Platformer shows up, tells you a few things, and ends. I think the value of this is still somewhat underrated.”
I agree wholeheartedly. I built a website in 2008 when blogging and then creating a newsletter through constant contact was the way to go to reach your audience on a regular basis. Ugh! I hated it. Substack handles the management of subscribers and sending of emails for you. You, the writer, simply write and post… exactly as it should be. With Substack, you are cultivating an audience that you can reach on a regular basis, an audience that you can update with your work and news. It is the perfect model for a writer and it is an easy way to build an author platform. You can make some money too!
What Am I Doing/Reading this Week? Popourri
I have to admit something – I am a true crime junkie and I have been devouring The Staircase (The Michael Peterson Murder Trial Case) in all its forms: The Netflix documentary, HBO Max limited series, and the book Written in Blood, by Diane Fanning. Why am I so fascinated with this story in all its iterations? I think I figured out why and I’ll be posting all about it in the coming days.
Sit & Write Master Class Update
The Sit & Write Master Class is full and it has started. It runs through January 2023 and so far it has been excellent. The participants are excited to complete their manuscripts and learn about book marketing. I am enjoying listening to teacher, Kate Brenton, on the community calls and learning how to tap into the spiritual side of one’s writing talent. I am learning that it is not just tapping into the talent to write but tapping into the process and furthermore taking the time to really get to know yourself. I’m excited to impart book marketing technique and process. News of the next installment of the course will be forthcoming. If you are interested in taking the next course when it is offered send a note through my contact page at ClaudineWolk.Com.
Thanks for reading and feel free to share comments or questions.