Wouldn't it be great to know how to sell your books in bulk to airports, grocery stores, associations and corporations? Brian Jud, author of How to Make Real Money Selling Books, has been selling and helping authors sell to “special” outlets for years.
In this comprehensive podcast episode, Brian shares what special sales are and how to secure them to retail and non-retail outlets. You will learn:
how to pitch your book for special sales to a corporation
where to go for special sale distribution to airports, hospitals, etc.
how to creatively pitch and more
Brian offers articles, newsletters subscriptions and services on his website, BookMarketingWorks.com. Brian offers a free, 15 minute conversation if you would like to chat directly with him . Consulting is available as well as placement in special sale catalogs.
I’m so excited to share Brian’s interview with authors to offer them a completely new avenue to sell their books and get their message and stories out into the world. Brian generously offers detailed website resources for book distributors, possible sales outlets and associations. You will love his detailed description of pitching your book for special sale for these entities!
Don’t miss Brian’s demonstration of an actual pitch - specifically how to do it.
Thanks for listening and don’t forget to leave a review on the podcast here.
My latest book, co-authored with Julie Murkette, is available for sale NOW wherever you buy books and is YOUR publishing and book marketing resource. At 122 pages, it’s pithy but powerful. Buy your copy of Get Your Book Seen and Sold: The Essential Book Publishing and Marketing Guide today!
I also offer book marketing consulting to help YOU come up with a plan to Market Your Book. Sign up for 30 minutes or an hour consultation today!
Contact me anytime with questions, suggestions, or niceties at wjcwolk@gmail.com.
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