Extended Special: "The Sit & Write: Begin" video class discount ($10 off) is now available 'til midnight Wed Night!
Extended through Wed, 11/29 at Midnight - great gift idea, too!
“Sit & Write: Begin” online, video class is $10 off til midnight on Wednesday night, 11/29 - use promo code “thanks”
What is the Sit & Write: Begin class?
An online, self-paced, video course with six motivating and fun-filled modules to instruct the aspiring author and spark the writing of their book.
Who is this course for?
A writer who is ready to start to write a book that they intend to publish. A writer who wants to learn the basics of book marketing to begin a successful career as a published author.
What makes the course unique?
Two instructors focus the aspiring writer on methodical writing lessons and exercises plus introductory lessons on book marketing to help launch a successful writing career.
How long is the course?
Each instruction video module is 15 minutes (more or less) for a total 60 minutes. The exercises and ideas for future contemplation take as long as the writer desires…
How does this help the aspiring author? Is this a write-my-book course?
This course gives you, the new author, the lay of the land to go from concept to completion, from guessing about the world of publishing to learning the fundamentals that will lay the groundwork for you to be an inspired, and educated writer. You decide where and how to take this forward with your writing journey. But now, you have a trusted map.
How much is the course?
The course is usually $99. Use the code “thanks” for $10 off thru Wednesday the 29th, so $89.
Can I give the course as a gift?
Great idea! Yes, you can give the course as a gift. Simply select the gift option at checkout for the Sit & Write: Begin Class.
About the teachers:
Kate Brenton is a published author, podcaster, substack writer, speaker, lomi lomi instructor and writing teacher - she taught English. Kate is a very enlightened soul and brings extra spirituality to all of her modalities. KateBrenton.com
Claudine Wolk is a two-time published author, substack writer, podcaster, speaker, and book marketing consultant. With an accounting background, her spirituality is limited but she is willing to learn. Claudine self-published and traditionally published her books. ClaudineWolk.Com