What Is Your Publishing Goal?
The number one step when deciding to publish your book is to decide the GOAL for your book. (Please share YOUR goal in the comments)
Ciara Stockland ’s goal is to share her expertise. Her new book, Inventory Genius, is available today. In this podcast, Ciara shares her self-publishing story and reveals her book marketing challenge to herself. Her book marketing challenge to herself: to not spend a cent on promotion or advertising - social media or otherwise!!
Listen in to this podcast to learn Ciara’s plan, and a few ideas that she has already put into action to get her book seen and sold.
You can listen to the entire podcast episode where Ciara shares the details about her Inventory Genius plan - focus on Profits instead of Sales - an important focus for ALL Book Marketers - like YOU on Stories and Strategies for Women Podcast at the link.
YOU are an author and an entrepreneur.
As an author, YOU are entrepreneur, a business owner. Your business is to share your message (or entertain) through your book. Alongside your publishers, if you have one, you MUST promote and market your book if you want to enjoy book sales and book profits.
Ciara’s brand new book, Inventory Genius, currently #1 on Amazon in its category, explains in clear and easy detail, the business basics of margin and profit through chart and example. Ciara has shared and used these methods to lead clients to success over and over again.
Don’t Spend a Dime on Book Marketing (and other tips from Ciara)
Ciara’s new book marketing idea - don’t spend any money!
You absolutely MUST hire an editor
YOU are your own PR firm!
The only wany to get a lot of “yes’s” is to get a lot of “no’s”
Authors, you are not “selling,” you are Helping People
How to create a “target audience” list
Try not to be fearful - just ASK!
You can find Ciara Stockeland at her webiste: CiaraStockeland.com
Her book, Inventory Genius, is on Amazon. Her podcast The Inventory Genius Method can be found at the link or anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Next week, I interview Andreea Billig, owner of Self-Publishing Mastery. Andreea shares behind the scenes book marketing resources and how-to.
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