Sharon Castlen, an expert book marketer, can be found at her website With over forty years of experience as a book marketer with a specialty in book distribution, not to mention the book marketer for my first book, It Gets Easier and Other Lies We Tell New Mothers, Sharon answers questions that I have heard from every author about book marketing - why it’s important and how it works to sell books!
In this podcast, Sharon covers:
The importance of knowing your target market.
How book distribution works and when is should be set up
Ingram vs Ingram Spark
The relationship between book marketing and book distribution
The difference between Book Marketer and Book Publicist
The months to NEVER publish your book
You can email her for a 15 minute free conversation to see if she can help to market your book at Put WOLK in the Subject line so Sharon knows you came from Get Your Book Seen and Sold Podcast.
From the podcast episode: Sharon reminds authors…
If you don’t have good book distribution, the marketing & media you do won’t be valuable because buyers won’t know where to find your book.
The book marketing begins before the writing ends.
Honor your strength, outsource your weakness.
The IBPA “Book Industry Standards Worksheet” that Sharon mentions in the podcast.
Credit: Podcast Pic Photo by Donna Mae Moltio on Unsplash
Get Your Book Seen and Sold book (eBook and paperback) By Moi and Julie Murkette includes additional information on book distribution - easy graphs and explanations.
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