Claudine and Geraldine Donaher, first-time author of Still, talk about writing, staying motivated, Beta readers, the role of exercise, and not letting your writing (your dream) dry on the vine. This holiday weekend, take a few minutes to re-connect with your writing or if you are finished your manuscript, your book marketing plan.
Geraldine’s book, Still, is available in ebook format on Amazon.
Claudine mentions a book called The Full Spirit Workout by Kate Eckman.
Correction: The Fifty Shades of Grey Books were published first as ebooks but not necessarily, Kindle. Kindle to ebook is like Zerox to copy, though, right?
Claudine also mentions author PD James. Although Ms. James was most certainly more prolific in her 50’s, she wrote her first book at 42.
The original podcast episode aired on Stories and Strategies for Women Podcast titled “Have You Ever Wanted to Kill Their Husband?”, Episode 3o, at the link. Coincidentally the most popular S&S podcast to date. Hmmmmm
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