Josh Bernoff’s tagline is: I help non-fiction authors succeed. The perfect guest for us at Get Your Book Seen and Sold Podcast!
Josh has authored, coauthored, or ghostwritten eight business books. His latest titled, Build a Better Business Book: How to Plan, Write, and Promote a Book That Matters. Josh works closely with nonfiction authors as an advisor, coach, editor, or ghostwriter. He has collaborated on more than 50 nonfiction books.
You can find Josh at
In this podcast interview:
** Josh shares his 5 step process to help authors succeed in promoting their books - PQRST - Positioning, Question, Reach, Spread and Timing.
** We learn why it takes hearing about a book three times before a sale is made.
** We learn how non-fiction authors can use their expertise to make money through their expertise. In fact, many authors make more money from their consulting than from their book sales! Josh shares his own business model and explains the services that he offers. Helping authors to develop their book idea before they write start writing is a great example of one of the services Josh provides.
** We also chat about hybrid publishers and Josh explains how they work and a few that he has had personal experience and would recommend.
For more information, you can read Josh’s blogposts, which generate more than 4 million views, on topics of interest to authors every weekday at
Josh mentions the hybrid publisher, Amplify, as one that he would recommend.
Thanks, as always for listening.
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