BookBub: Reasonably Priced Book Promotion Opportunity: New Releases - Deep Dive, (Part Two)
A reasonably priced book promotion opportunity to targeted book buyers
This is Part Two of my deep dive into BookBub as a book promotion opportunity vehicle for authors. In a previous article, I wrote about BookBub, a general description, how to sign up, and one of their popular book promotion opportunities - the “featured deal program.” In this article, I want to focus on another fantastic opportunity for new releases: New Releases for Less program.
I have no affiliation with BookBub. I provide suggestions for book marketing based on my research. Do your research, too!
A quick review of Book Bub and why you should start using it
BookBub is an interactive database for eBook readers to purchase eBooks and to also to read about new books, new authors, new releases, etc. (A 2020 article cited 15,000,000 users and the users have only increased) When you join as a subscriber (when you create an account) BookBub will email you (as a reader) the deals of the eBooks that are available for a limited time. You can then purchase the eBook advertised on any of the outlets that you prefer (Amazon, Barnes & Noble…etc) at the link provided. When the link is selected, the ebook will show up on the outlet at the special price. BookBub is the middleman brokering the special deals and reaching out to all of their subscribers.
BookBub is also a great tool for book promotion for an Author / Publisher. When you sign up not just as a subscriber but as an author with a profile on the site and you are connected to your book, you can then participate in the book promotion opportunities that BookBub offers.
Why should you consider BookBub for your promotion dollars? Because the whole site is populated with your target market - book buyers identified by genre. The opportunity to reach those book buyers could be a veritable gold mine for a book seller, right?
Here is what you need to get started with BookBub as an author:
You need a published eBook: You can be a self-published author or a traditionally published author
After you create an account and link to your book, you can take advantage of book promotion opportunities for your existing book or your upcoming book.
BookBub’s New Releases for Less Program
I want to talk about a program that might be good for your next new book called: New Releases for Less program. What a cool program. This is a promotion opportunity that you pay for that will add your new release to a BookBub email sent out to their book readers who desire your book genre! Your new book release will be offered in an email to thousands, maybe millions, of subscribers. Details of the program are at the link. I want to point out a few things:
You have to submit your book for approval first. (remember you haven’t released it yet)
It is free to submit your book for the program.
If your book is selected for the program you will then pay to participate. The price is based on the genre you wish to add it. Here is the price list at this date.
Again, your book must NOT be released yet for this program. You must submit your eBook starting SIX MONTHS BEFORE its release date.
Have a Look at what the promotion email looks like
Here is a look at the email that your potential book buyers will receive if you decide to participate in the program and if you are selected. This is an email from my personal inbox. Clearly, one of the genres I selected when I set up a BookBub account was Cook Books. The promotion is a fantastic way to get your book in front of potential readers. I simply love the idea that as an author, I can announce my new book release to potential books buyers who are already fans of my book’s genre.
Consider the New Releases For Less program as part of your book marketing plan. I remind you that you must submit your book BEFORE it is released for this program, starting six months in advance of your book’s release.
I will cover more book promotion opportunities through BookBub - some programs for pre-launch and some programs for existing eBooks in coming posts.
Please feel free to ask any questions. It can be a little confusing to navigate and your questions will help the community (and me) to learn.
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Also, please follow me at BookBub.