BookBub Ads Explained: Reasonable eBook Promotion
David Gaughran Video Breaks Down BookBub Ads in Easy-To-Understand Terms
BookBub is a platform that I have discussed and that I use. I think there are a few good, reasonably priced ways for authors to promote their ebooks (its ebook only) on BookBub. At the link is my post about Bookbub in detail. I am going to make the posts (Part One and Part Two) free for a few weeks.
One of the ways to promote your ebook on Bookbub is through BookBub Ads. If you are like me, you panic at the word “Ad.” It seems so complicated and all the platforms that offer Ads do it a bit differently. That is why I scoured the internet to find the best “how-to” video for you to explain Bookbub Ads: how they work, what they can do for you and best of all - WHAT PARAMETERS TO SELECT TO MAKE YOUR AD. I am a “tell me what to do” kind of gal and once again, author and consultant, David Gaughran’s video “Book Ads Tutorial” fits the bill.
Mr Gaughran has also written a whole book on the subject of BookBub ads titled BookBub Ads Expert that may offer even more insight. His '“stick to the point” video below will easily explain BookBub ads so that you can make a decision if it is the right addition to your book marketing plan and if you want to learn even more.
Thanks for reading Get Your Book Seen and Sold and for your support!
Part Two of my interview with Publicist, Kathleen Schmidt will post this week. If you have any questions, send me an email at