It’s Cyber Monday! (as if you could miss it with all the ads today…sheesh!) I have some deals for authors, too. Check them at the bottom of the post.
In today’s podcast episode, we have a real treat to share with authors… a great new children’s book but also, inspiration and resources, for you to keep writing and potentially self-publish your book with an author who has done just that!
Meet Sheryl Bass! Sheryl Bass, the author of Baby Dragon Finds His Family, her latest in her children’s book series that started with Baby Dragon's Big Sneeze, is our guest today.
Sheryl shares her self-publishing story through the releases of her two books so far - how and why she wrote, published, and promotes the books as well as the trusted resources she used to do it.
She also shares:
Tips on Book Reviews and the cool platform she used to get them,
The Self-Publishing Book Shepherd she hired to guide her self-publishing, April Cox.
Her timeline for publishing a children’s book
How the editors she hired were critical to her self-publishing process
Why joining Children’s Book Writer’s Professional Organizations is important for children’s book authors
All about her latest release, Baby Dragon Finds His Family
Sheryl used her professional background to share the book’s messages:
social emotional learning
You can buy Baby Dragon Finds His Family at book retailers online.
You can find Sheryl Bass at her website: Be-Kind
Sheryl is also on Instagram: Be.Kind.Publishing
A few of the resources that Sheryl mentioned:
Self-Publishing Made Simple - Owner, April Cox
Pubby.Co - Book Review Resource
SCBWI - Children’s Book Writers Organization: Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
Claire McKinney PR - Publicity Firm that offers book marketing services
*** Special Cyber Monday Discounts For My Substack Subscribers**
GET YOUR BOOK SEEN AND SOLD Substack Subscription discount. If you have been considering a paid subscription to this newsletter/podcast, now is the time to do it. A SPECIAL Black Friday thru Cyber Monday 20% off Discount is available for a limited time. Click here to subscribe at the special price!
SPECIAL BLACK FRIDAY DISCOUNT for the New Video Course! Sit & Write: Begin. Use the promo code ‘thanks’ for $10 off the course that merges fun, engaging writing lessons with an introduction to book marketing concepts to spark a successful writing career. The course is a motivating, informational, inspirational, self-paced, and reasonably-priced. Fellow Substacker, Kate Brenton (Sit & Write) and I, host this fun course.
Consider sharing this fabulous, self-paced writing course with that aspiring writer you know who is just waking up to their own dream to write.
UPCOMING Dec 4th thru Dec 8th: Authorpreneur Summit - a totally online summit for authors, who want to turn their writing into a business and it’s free and run by Self-Publishing Guru, April Cox. Authors can upgrade to a premium pass to the summit for extra goodies and privileges for just $89. The online classes, that you can watch at any time, start on Dec 4th thru the 8th. I’ll be there along with 35 other publishing experts, with a presentation on, you guessed it, book marketing promotion ideas! All the speakers have a special expertise to help authors succeed.
Each day of the summit focuses on core topics about the business side of authorship and features speakers who will cover the best software, tools, and more. You’ll also be able to network with fellow authorpreneurs in online, and private forums. Sign up today!
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