A Blog Tour As Book Promotion At Launch Time
Could be perfect… especially when it TARGETS your audience
When you are deciding where to spend your book promotion dollars at launch time…
…A Blog Tour might be a good option….
What Is a Blog Tour?
A blog tour is where several bloggers feature you, your book, or a review of your book on their individual websites on a schedule, over a set period of time, usually around your book’s launch date. You can reach out to bloggers and schedule the blog tour yourself or you could reach out to organizations that will put the blog tour together from their database for you for a price.
One such organization is WOW, women on writing, a website that supports writers in all kinds of ways - writing classes, writing contests, articles on writing, articles on promotion, and articles on publishing. They also offer promotion opportunities for authors to reach their network of subscribers.
Is a blog tour a good choice for your book promotion dollars?
An author needs to determine if a blog tour is right for them and for their book. Is it worth the cost and the time that it takes to provide the content required for the blog tour? Will the blog tour reach the book’s target audience and translate into a book sale? Specifically, bloggers may submit interview questions for you to answer, request an article for you to write on a particular topic, or request free copies of your book for you to mail to their participants. All considerations.
The WOW blog tour was a great fit for promotion for Get Your Book Seen and Sold as it’s audience is my audience - specifically, writers who want to learn how to market their books!
The image above is what WOW put together for the Get Your Book Seen and Sold blog tour and the tours upcoming dates. I’ll report back on the effect on sales and/or new subscribers.
Super Tip: If you participate in a blog tour, remember to link each of the blogger’s posts to your social media - Facebook, LinkedIn, Substack, Twitter (X), etc. Link some in a Substack “Notes” post. If you are the guest writer of any posts, add them to your website.
As I described above, some of the posts are reviews of Get Your Book Seen and Sold, some are interviews, and some written by me as a guest blogger on a topic related to book marketing.
WOW did a great job with this tour. You can see the interest in the number of bloggers who signed up to be a part of the tour. Each of the “blog stops” in the graphic above are hyper-linked - pretty slick.
Thanks for reading
Contact me at wjcwolk@gmail.com with any questions.
Hey Sarah, I DO think it would work for a relaunch as long as the target audience of the blog tour host is a good fit. One of the nice things about WOW blog tours is that their community of bloggers is asked well in advance, if they are interested in sponsoring the blog tour. The hope is that motivated bloggers, who know their reader’s interest, pick your blog tour because they know it’s a book that their audience would buy. Win for them. Book sale for you!
Do you think this would work for a relaunch?